Personal Injury Defense Attorney Idaho

personal injury defense attorney investigation

Experienced Personal Injury Defense Attorneys

From car accidents to slip and falls, from Sandpoint to Montpelier, our personal injury defense attorneys have represented individuals and entities in the defense of personal injury litigation in Idaho for more than 25 years. We have defended cases involving multiple fatalities, amputations, traumatic brain injuries, orthopedic injuries, and soft tissue injuries. We have defended trips, slips, falls, dog bites, and civil assault and battery allegations. We have been actively involved in the development of Idaho’s herd district laws. We have established relationships with accident reconstruction, biomechanical, and medical experts to aid in the defense of these matters, as well as life care planners and economists. We believe a thorough investigation requires early discussions with law enforcement and witnesses. We understand the importance of evaluating liability, causation, and damages issues early in a case so that the appropriate litigation plan can be developed.